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The Stone of Madness

A distinctive, and sometimes dark, take on a stealth title that requires some patience with its quirks, but can be rewarding

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Momodora: Moonlit Farewell

In terms of play, it is a solid Metroidvania experience, but it’s also a bit less distinctive than many of its peers on the system

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Urban Myth Dissolution Center

An odd and fun take on the classic mystery-solving adventure formula that has loads of unique flavor

Featured Review


Despite being pretty humble in presentation, this budget precision platformer improves as it warms up

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Moons of Darsalon

An oddball mix of action, strategy, and herding your Lemming-like comrades makes for an uneven but entertaining time

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Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Charming, family-friendly, full of exploration and discovery, and absolutely a chill good time all around for the right crowd

Featured Review

Big Helmet Heroes

A surprisingly fun, fast-paced, and raucous beat-em-up that stands out nicely on the system

Latest Reviews
Bad [5.9]
Mad Experiments 2: Escape Room
A lack of much initial guidance or a ramp up, along with some wonky features, make this tougher to enjoy than its brethren
Good [7.3]
Tiny Terry's Turbo Trip
If you don’t mind its glitches and sandbox-y lack of direction, this can be a weird and fun collect-a-thon trip
Good [7.1]
Afterlove EP
While its exploration of its characters feelings and relationships in the wake of tragedy is great, its rhythm elements fall flat, making for an uneven mix

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