Showing 3951 to 4000 of 4,197 total entries
Of course there’s the classic mode, where everyone has a card and can take a reasonable amount of time to identify wheth...
On top of the somewhat anemic gameplay there are just so many things in the game that same half-baked. The mini-map is o...
To up the ante on distracting you the key element that makes Danmaku Unlimited 3 stand out is the grazing system, a mech...
While I could attempt to write more that really does cover the essence of the game, it centers around that one gimmick a...
While there are some mode variations that provide some temporary distraction the meat and potatoes of kart racing is the...
The exciting and dangerous life of a swashbuckling bounty hunter is the focus in Flinthook, and the mix of shooting, swi...
This is an action puzzle game that may not appeal to everyone, whether too frustrating or too simple, but that continues...
Probably the most aggravating thing about the game is simply the load times, which are pretty lengthy. They also tend to...
Starting with the core gameplay, Turtle Pop is essentially a platformer but even in this mode some puzzle elements and e...
Starting with the story itself, I’m afraid “ruining it” would take little more than two sentences. It is a take on the t...
Moving in a very different direction Steredenn is a bullet hell roguelike space shooter that has some truly bonkers weap...
While sharing a lot in common with the original title Bleed 2 made critical refinements to make this run and gun shootin...
The key to sustained success is most definitely filling out a line-up of generals to assign to specific units who will h...
What’s great is that aside from a change in venue to snowy maps (complete with snowmen you can hide behind) there are tw...
Probably the most unusual part of the game for me is the sort of hub area where you’re able to grow plants that you can ...
In order to make things a bit more interesting there are a pretty wide variety of obstacles and impediments that will tr...
What little story there is I won’t ruin, though it could truthfully be summarized in less than a paragraph. I suppose it...
Starting with Casual mode your goal is simply to move the proper colored balls onto their respective squares, with no ti...
In order to help keep things a bit more exciting there are a few racing modes to choose from as well. Traditional option...
Overall, if you’re receptive to what I would consider a very honest and genuine study of someone going through a difficu...
The action in the game is very basic at a fundamental level, you only have the ability to double jump. That said, in pra...
Did I mention that all of the characters, including yourself, are robots? While, for the most part, the dialogue and mot...
While it is first and foremost designed to be played with up to 3 of your friends you are able to have a bit of fun on y...
Taking it all in Mulaka is an attempt to do something fascinating, to use a video game as a vehicle for helping to prese...
While there are various layers and trappings that sit on top of it to further complicate matters that’s what sits at the...
While there have been a few different bridge construction games on the Switch I'd say this one, by far, stands out from ...
The fact that they aren’t very good at following directions, and that there’s no means of trying to communicate with any...
The Final Station was a surprise of a game that absolutely snuck up on me and that’s primarily thanks to the story. The ...
That does play into what may be the dividing line of who will enjoy the game and who won’t. If you’re patient and carefu...
Overall the only gripe may be the somewhat sedated pace of everything, at least for an impatient and twitchy gamer like ...
Keeping in mind that the game has a very budget-friendly price the somewhat simplistic graphics and overall presentation...
Overall, especially as an English major and true fan of fonts, I found TypoMan to be a creative delight. What it lacks i...
In terms of issues the main things you'll need to enjoy Ace of Seafood will be an open mind and outright patience. There...
When I played the game on PC I was actually unsure how it would make it over to the Switch at all due to how detailed it...
What complements and reinforces the scares in the game is the ever-changing environment you’ll find yourself in. Serving...
The gameplay over the pretty brisk 2 - 3 hours is interesting, mainly because of the beautiful hand-drawn landscapes tha...
The last table, based off the most entry in the franchise, Jurassic World, may have the most theming and things going on...
With a pretty disgusting level of cuteness Puzzle Puppers manages to make solving some clever puzzles a bit of fun. With...
If the game was merely an interactive novel of sorts, where you’re simply making decisions that branch the storyline, it...
Overall, I only have positive things to say about Aqua Kitty UDX. It has a focus on a specific experience, delivers it e...
Aside from nimbly moving about the forest, climbing up and then jumping from trees, your other greatest asset is your ab...
Aside from my qualms with the interface I’d say the primary concern I have is that in some ways it isn’t very engaging. ...
In TorqueL you’ll take control of a little guy in a box, trying to move him over obstacles, around traps, and though are...
Overall I had a fabulous time playing through Owlboy, and the fact that it surprised me with some regularity was a huge ...
Mixing together action platforming with tower defense, Aegis Defenders has a style all its own. While the game works wel...
In order to tease and tempt you there are also spheres of Atomik energy that you’ll want to collect in order to unlock a...
Where things get a bit more fun and interesting are in the multiplayer versus modes and the more traditional Onslaught m...
Especially if you’ve dabbled in the likes of Kingdom Battle or other mode modern tactical games it is worth noting this ...
Once you feel ready for a match your options are to play locally, play online, or to play ghost matches essentially agai...
What it comes down to for a game like this is whether you’re a fan of the genre and what your expectations are for the l...