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Urban Myth Dissolution Center


  • Price: $17.99
  • Release Date: Feb 12, 2025
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    An odd and fun take on the classic mystery-solving adventure formula that has loads of unique flavor

    While classic adventure games with more of a mystery-solving spin have been around for quite some time, over the years it has been nice to see the space grow in diversity. Sure, there are still games featuring the likes of Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, and other classic detectives, but then you also have things like the Phoenix Wright series that absolutely do things their own way as well. Now, with Urban Myth Dissolution Center, there’s another very unique player in the space, featuring more of a supernatural horror vibe, and it absolutely brings its own flavor to the table.

    You play the game as Azami Fukurai, a young woman with the gift of seeing things beyond normal perception. Terrified, she goes to the Urban Legend Dissolution Center, where after being tested by its Director using a chair that is said to kill anyone who sits in it, she finds an outlet for her unique skills in his employ. It turns out that there are many dark mysteries in the world that need to be solved, and as a member of the team you become invaluable for working out the truth behind them, bringing resolution.

    If you’re familiar with other titles out there in this vein, the overall structure of play should be familiar, just its theming is on the darker side involving the paranormal, murder, and other more disturbing elements. You’ll initially work through a phase of researching the location and people involved in the case, looking for insights that will help guide your investigation and potential lines of questioning. Once on scene, you’ll then be searching for clues, often aided by the use of a special pair of glasses that help to reveal hidden shadows from the past and other more paranormal elements. Finally, you’ll move to the deduction phase where you’ll need to carefully construct a picture of what’s happening using the discoveries you’ve made.

    For the most part the result is a riff on a pretty familiar mystery format, but punched up with stories and theming which are absolutely distinct. It can share a common flaw with its contemporaries when proposing conclusions, requiring you to pick the right clues in the right sequence (even if others may still make logical sense), but while this can be irksome it also isn’t an issue exclusive to this particular title. In the end, if you like to work through solving mysteries, and also have a taste for darker and more sinister stories, this is a great way to enjoy both with a very distinctive look and vibe all its own.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.8]

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