Mashing together elements of Snake (of all things), a dodge-em-up, and a bit of shooting, arcade fans should enjoy it
Hoo boy do I miss the old days before console systems took over and the local arcade was the center of my gaming universe. I ate through quarters in my teens at a ridiculous rate but I couldn’t get enough of games made to challenge you intensely and then just be over. Sure, for modern games they could end up feeling too limited, but I love that you can still see new ideas and variations of the old coming to the Switch with some regularity in this vein. Now, PDCC’s base design feels sort of like a crazy gaming smoothie, to a degree borrowing elements of the classic mobile game Snake and souping them up with some high-speed dodging, an incentive to put yourself at risk, and a steadily increasing degree of challenge. What may throw less old-school gamers off is that outside of some variation by changing modes that really is just about all there is to it. The thing is, I think it works quite nicely and provides a mix of challenges I haven’t encountered. To me that makes it a winner, but I don’t doubt that mileage can and will vary.
Justin Nation, Score:Good [7.9]