Retro games looking to take on the rough look and feel of classics like Castlevania are always going to face a bit of an uphill battle. Stay too close to the formula and the experience gets hit for being derivative, stray too far afield and you risk alienating the audience who’s looking for some old-school fun. Somehow Infernax very effectively walks this fine line with an overall feel that hits the NES-era vibes but also has enough variation, personality, and some seriously gnarly enemies and art that it absolutely sets itself apart throughout. Be warned, even on the more casual setting you won’t be spared from some tough situations you’ll need to work through, so much like the games from that era you’ll find yourself starting over a bit as you try to work out how best to survive the onslaught, but then breaking through with success also always feels sweeter in the process as well. If you’ve got a hankering for some unapologetic vintage Castlevania feels in a slightly more modern package Infernax is absolutely going to be your jam.
Justin Nation, Score:Nindie Choice! [9.0]