Showing 4201 to 4242 of 4,242 total entries
As a full package Sine Mora EX fills in a gap in the Switch line-up unless you’ve been indulging in the NeoGeo ...
Widely, and quite deservedly, regarded as the best one of the best early indie games on the Switch (though perhaps St...
The classic LucasArts adventure games were staple PC titles always guaranteeing great laughs from their quirky charac...
Soldam has really surprised me over the time I’ve played it for review. While I’d started out somewhat sk...
Robonauts has a ton of things going for it in terms of presentation but when it comes to the control and the big pict...
This is a game that’s very hard to categorize but Strategy seems to be the best banner to put Kingdom under. St...
If you're familiar with the original Rogue that the roguelike game style derived from you'll never find quite...
While it may not be earth-shattering I at least found the nature of the puzzles to be fresh and not as run-of-the-mil...
I actually have some familiarity with this game from the mobile space and I can respect it within that market as bein...
In its current state I really can’t recommend 36 Fragments of Midnight at all. When it is an endurance game and...
While the lack of a clear audio or visual cue for this both forces you to try to keep an eye on your health gauge con...
I appreciate the care and effort that has gone into making the game as visually stunning as it is while also providin...
The question for you when considering Lichtspeer is whether you enjoy being challenged and whether you mind that the ...
If you’ve never indulged in the series until now this pack would be an excellent opportunity to do so. They def...
I simply can’t generate much excitement for League of Evil when there are so many better games already on the s...
Piczle Lines DX is one of those games where, with the nature of its puzzle challenge, you’re either already int...
I’ve really been enchanted by forma.8 and the slow-paced tranquility it has offered me. In particular with craz...
By far I’d consider this the cornerstone of this or any Party Pack Jackbox makes and it is why I inherently con...
Delivering fast and pretty hectic action Rocket Fist reminds me most of playing Super Bomberman on the SNES and havin...
Somewhat picking up the mantle from the popular Puzzle Quest series, Ironcast constructed a very compelling, though u...
I found Phantom Trigger to be a challenging and distinct experience, mixing up some elements I appreciate in multiple...
While some may think it has looks only a mother could love the challenging and satisfying platforming offered by Slim...
Taking the format that the folks at Jackbox pretty well perfected Use Your Words isn't a collection of distinct m...
Your options for play will consist of the Story Mode, where you’ll go through a series of both required and optional mis...
I believe the biggest factor in deciding whether you’ll enjoy Blockle or not, if you’re at least open to ...
For everything it sets out to do and accomplishes relatively well Ultra Hyperball presents the same challenge in term...
If you've felt like puzzle games have become a bit stale and predictable over the years, with many of them using ...
As a freshman effort De Mambo does an excellent job of putting The Dangerous Kitchen on the map. It is clear that the...
Levels+ does a better job than I would have expected and provides for an engaging experience. If you’re looking...
I find myself in the middle concerning how to score I and Me. There’s really nothing inherently wrong with it, ...
While it isn't a terribly long adventure Bulb Boy is a creative journey with an unusual art style that consistent...
I’ll give credit where it is due, this does not feel in any way like a low-effort shovelware conversion, someon...
I appreciate the fact that some elements of this game are purposely set up to be true to the vision of Resident Evil,...
I'm not gonna lie, GoNNER gets off to a very rough start and it a true roguelike in that it is frustrating and ha...
This isn’t a AAA game, but it appropriately also lacks the AAA price tag, so as long as you scale your expectat...
As has been the case with quite a number of games I’ve enjoyed on the Switch to date I would gladly recommend T...
I consider Tumbleseed to be one of the best games on the system that very few people gave a chance. In part because i...
The decision point in this game should heavily factor in how well you believe you can put up with some dated gameplay...
Lastly, I won’t fully detail the sequence of events but I will say that after SO much build-up and challenge to...
What fascinates and has surprised me about GEM, it that it somehow has created a serene experience for more casu...
It seems appropriate include this first game I reviewed for the system and prepared a pretty extensive tips and trick...
One of the very first games available for the system, as I was already a huge fan from the PC space it was a Day 1 pu...