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Willy's Wonderland - The Game

Developer: QUByte Interactive

Co-Op Multiplayer
  • Price: $4.99
  • Release Date: Jun 13, 2024
  • Number of Players: 1 - 2
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    No matter what you may think of the movie, rest assured the game is worse

    While early on the Switch struggled to get a fair footing when it comes to beat-em-ups, thankfully at some point the genre began to shine. You could argue there still aren’t enough of them on the system, but even so you can’t hesitate to call out those that simply aren’t very good. Unfortunately, Willy’s Wonderland falls firmly into that category, pretty well delivering a poor showing across the board.

    Going with more of a quasi 2.5D setup, you’ll navigate your way through a variety of pretty dreary settings, with only a few seemingly set in a Willy’s Wonderland and most honestly being quite generically non-descript like a bathroom or air duct system. Granted, you’ll at least be facing off against a variety of goons dressed in anything from company uniforms to full-on mascot costumes, so the game manages to keep the thread with the franchise there, but since you’ll be seeing a whole lot of the same types over and over again it doesn’t end up bringing much to the table.

    In terms of play and performance I’d consider it to be inconsistent at best, and just plain bad at worst. Difficulty simply seems to be all over the place, with generic mobs sometimes giving you far more trouble than what seem to be intended to be bosses. One part of the challenge is that your move set is extremely limited and clumsy at best, with your basic attacks being generally unreliable so your success is more often tied to effectively waiting to use your two special attacks and then capitalizing on them. In the end, even at a budget price, this is a thoroughly unsatisfying mess that looks pretty bad but overall may play even worse.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [4.8]

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