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Rubber Bandits

Developer: Flashbulb

Competititve Mutliplayer
  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: Jan 19, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • While offering up local or online multiplayer wackiness, the loose controls and physics work better with low expectations

    I’ll admit that new multiplayer games showing up have a tendency these days to make me feel uneasy since there are so many of them and the majority simply aren’t terribly good. With Rubber Bandits there’s good news and bad news, but for the most part I’ll give the developers behind this credit for generally showing their work. While there are only a few varieties of actual modes, ranging from what’s roughly hot potato, to outright brawling, to trying to grab the most money, and some more I like that, there are quite a fair number of stages and they can feel quite different to play in as well. So we start with a plus. Of course, your character can be customized pretty reasonably, starting out with only a few humble options but unlocking and being able to buy more with in-game currency you earn by simply playing. Where the trouble can arise is with depth perception visually in many stages, and then the resultant difficulty with your pretty floppy characters in having much precision. Now, if you’re playing with a bunch of less experienced gamers this may be perfect, as it somewhat levels the playing field and even people struggling may get a hot streak of luck. The bad news is more experienced players may find the difficulties in navigating levels or hitting someone to be more off-putting. In the end it sits amidst a few peers that are all multiplayer brawlers of various kinds (each with their own flavor), not really running ahead of the pack, but hardly being left in the dust either.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.0]

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