OTTTD: Over The Top Tower Defense Logo
OTTTD: Over The Top Tower Defense Icon
OTTTD: Over The Top Tower Defense

Developer: SMG Studio

Publisher: SMG Studio

  • Price: $1.99 $7.99 (75% Off!)
  • Release Date: May 6, 2019
  • Number of Players: 1
  • On Sale Through: Jan 16, 2025 [$1.99]
  • Lowest Historic Price: $1.99
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Tower defense titles are extremely common in the mobile space (for good reason, they’re well-suited to touchscreen controls), and have found success, but can sometimes be lacking on the more dedicated Switch. OTTTD, or Over-the-Top Tower Defense, is an aptly named title that tries to use a little personality, multiple controllable units, and more varied strategic choices than usual in order to get some attention. Where many more generic titles in the genre fall flat and feel predictable, OTTTD likes to throw periodic surprises at you and ends up being pretty entertaining in the process. While things start out more traditionally to get you started and grounded, using your Engineer to keep your defense units in a state of good repair, once you move ahead a few stages you’ll begin to see some differentiation. Not all levels have a defined path that enemies will follow, forcing you to set up a more spread out defense and giving you more to focus on. New units and pretty diverse upgrade trees will let you tune your support and change up your strategy depending on the line-up you choose. Boss battles generally turn the crazy up to 11 in their weirdness and challenge. If you’ve been burned out on the run-of-the-mill offerings the genre normally brings you should be pleasantly surprised by this one. While it doesn’t necessarily ever feel like it’s pushing the Switch in any way in terms of its presentation there’s a terrific level of detail and charm to everything, keeping the action pretty clear even as things get crowded. Throw in the very reasonable budget asking price and this is the fresh take on what’s normally a pretty predictable genre you’ve been looking for.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Nindie Choice! [8.5]

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