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Hollenburg 'Hell Castle'

Developer: Vikalb

  • Price: $14.99
  • Release Date: Jul 13, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: T [Teen]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    While it has its own look and feel, overall it feels a bit too generic to stand up to the competition in the eShop

    It may not come as much of a surprise to see it said, but the Switch has loads of retro-styled action platformers of all kinds on it. Whether that takes the form of more traditional Mario-esque 2D action, a hack and slash affair, or shooters of various kinds, you can pretty much count on someone having tapped into that feel at some point on the system. 

    In this specific case the feeling is a return to the chunkier early days, with a general feel that mixes an on-the-go attitude with what can feel like almost maze-like level design at times. While perhaps I could see some people choosing to see this as being a form of “exploration” of some kind, since more often than not you’ll be covering ground with the same backgrounds and generally bland enemies to deal with it simply feels like filler. 

    That’s before getting to just random problems I had. Your attack is slow and not terribly exciting. Too often enemies are just there to run at you and knock away, though given the slow pacing anything that got too much more lively would have likely been an issue. Then there’s just inconsistencies with objects in the game that will sometimes be in the same plane as you, then other times in the foreground or background, making it hard to tell where you can or should jump. While some of these issues may seem small, given the blandness of the core experience, they just serve to make a not-so-great situation worse.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Bad [5.8]

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