Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey Logo
Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey Icon
Dance of Death: Du Lac & Fey

Developer: Salix Games

Publisher: Hidden Trap

  • Price: $15.99
  • Release Date: Jan 27, 2023
  • Number of Players: 1
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: M [Mature]
  • Whatever its shortcomings in terms of the big picture, Dance of Death manages to get some key elements right

    With so many pixel-based point-and-click adventures there are on Switch, when something with more modern visual appeal has a tendency to stand out and when you throw a bit of Victorian England into the mix you’re going to get my attention. For the most part you play as a pair of mystery seekers, who don’t mind dealing with the sometimes grisly side of things. That’s quite fitting, especially since you’ll be hitting the scene in the time of Jack the Ripper just to make things more interesting. What’s a bit more novel is that the core pair are Du Lac, a tall sophisticate, and the dog Fey… who just happens to be able to talk. Rather than going down the story rabbit hole to explain, understand that because of this difference in abilities you’ll often need to switch between the two of them, with Fey’s sense of smell and ability to talk to other animals coming in handy fairly often. While the story and scenery are interesting and in general the voice acting is top-notch it’s in the details of the mechanics of gameplay that things aren’t quite as impressive. Movement can be a bit cumbersome and slow, varying in frustration from location to location, but one area where the developers took a swing that scores a foul ball at best is in a few more action-oriented sequences that feel out of place and aren’t implemented particularly well or integrated into the overall experience. Still, if you’re looking for a bit of period piece with a bit of grim business being a consistent part of your adventure this is a fine choice.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.4]

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