Basureroes: Invasion Logo
Basureroes: Invasion Icon
Basureroes: Invasion

Developer: Javs Game Studios

Publisher: JanduSoft

Co-Op Multiplayer
  • Price: $12.49
  • Release Date: Jan 30, 2025
  • Number of Players: 1 - 4
  • Last on Sale: -
  • Lowest Historic Price: -
  • ESRB Rating: E10+ [Everyone 10+]
  • Watch this review on YouTube
    While it may look simple on the surface, switching between characters reveals some careful design that’s appreciated

    The classic side-scrolling-action subgenre has been around for as long as I can remember. Less action-oriented than the likes of full-on platformers like Mario and his ilk, whether shooting or using other weapons, these games are typically mixed between some action as well as puzzles or the use of some skill to spice things up. While Basureroes: Invasion has a look that’s both modern and still quite retro, it pretty closely sticks to the feel of classic games from days gone by.

    In it, you’ll command members of a team of heroes who are initially trying to bring down an old nemesis, but who’ll then have to take on more otherworldly foes. What’s pretty impressive, and refreshing, is that each member of the team has slightly different attacks and skills, allowing you to initially choose the hero whose style may suit you the best, but then encouraging you to tackle every stage again with the other heroes who have special skills that will be necessary to get to everything thry offer.

    Of course, it would be easier to do this if you're able to play with some of your friends, having other characters available as you go along, but the game scales down to solo play well enough to be fun as well. If your interest is in just picking the character that suits you best and making your way through the game, it’s generally a pretty good and only moderately challenging time for the most part. Sometimes the boss fights can require a few attempts, depending on your hero and how their skills match up to the challenge, but overall it’s a pleasant and approachable experience all around, even if in no way terribly groundbreaking.

    Justin Nation, Score:
    Good [7.7]

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